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Which data do you need?

The first step is to think about how to structure your website, and how this structure maps onto Eduframe. Below there is an image of the structure of Eduframe.

  • PlannedCourse: Type Within Eduframe we have two types of planned course. Namely fixed and flexible. The fixed planned courses have a starting date. Flexible planned courses are often online courses, they don’t have a starting date but start immediately after you enroll..

  • PlannedCourse | Edition: max_participants, current participants You can use these properties to do stock management. When current_participants >= max_participants the course is full and customers cannot enroll anymore. Also you can use these numbers to show how many places are still available. Be careful the max_participants is optional and doesn’t have to be provided.

  • PlannedCourse | Edition: signup_url This is the url to the Eduframe signup page. If you want to use this signup, you should redirect the customer to this url after clicking enroll.

  • Category | Course | Program: position This property indicates how the admin ordered them in the admin panel. Often we use the same ordering when showing an overview.

  • Category | Course | Program: avatar This is the link to the page set by the admin. We recommend that you download/copy the image to your own cms to make sure it's always available. Also then you are able to create optimized images for the website.

  • Course | Program: custom These are custom properties that can be defined by the admin in Eduframe for these object types. These are in the API as an json object : { "key": "value", "key2": "value" }.

  • PlannedCourse | Edition: custom Same as above however these are different fields.

  • Category | Course | PlannedCourse | Program | Edition: published In the admin panel of Eduframe the customer can indicate if a course should be published. A planned course is only published (and available for signup), if the planned course, the linked course, and the linked category are published. The same holds for Edition, Program, Category.