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Structure your website

The first step is to think about how to structure your website, and how this structure maps onto Eduframe. Below there is an image of the structure of Eduframe.

Categorization solutions

In general we see three solutions for categorizing courses on the website

  1. Use categories to categorize your courses
    The advantage of this structure is that its really reflected into Eduframe. Also it's possible to have a nested structure using categories. However you cannot have the same course in different categories. The categories are also used to structure you courses inside the LMS.

  2. Use labels to categorize your courses
    The main advantage of labels over categories is that you can have the same label for different courses. Meaning on your website you can have the same courses on different levels and categories. There is only no way to have a nested structure.

  3. An third method is to use a custom field
    A custom field is a dynamic field that you can add to courses and planned courses. The advantage of using a custom field is that you can have the field dedicated to the website. Where for example labels are often also used for other use cases. However in the Eduframe UI you are not able to filter on custom fields.