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Variants shortcode

On the product page it is possible to include a list of product variants also known as program editions or planned courses. Be default the plugin will automatically add this to a course tab called 'Planning'. In case you don't have that one, or changed the name you can manually add the text '{{variants}}' to the contexts of the course tab in Eduframe where you want to show this list.

Variants list shortcode.


You can customize this shortcode with your own theme. Read more on how to do this here

Enroll button

The enroll button will link to the Eduframe signup page for the corresponding product and will pre-select the product variant.


This list changes depending on wether it is a program or course that is showing. The image above shows the layout for a course. In case of a program it will show the following (only available in V2).

Variants list shortcode for programs