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Out of the box, this plugin adds multiple new pages for a product (course), a page to show a teacher and a page to show a category with the products (courses) that belong to that category. These come with a basic template and styling, which you can override with your own templates / styling. Read more about how to do this here.

Product page

A product in this case is a sellable course / program. These two have a different set of properties which is why they differ slightly in how they look. If you only use courses in Eduframe, this won't hold for you.

Product page for courses

From top to bottom, it shows the labels assign to the template, the name of the template and the name of the parent category. The main body consists out of the course tabs defined in Eduframe. Note that only tabs with actual content will be shown.


When you are using the tab 'Planning', the plugin automatically adds the shortcode '[variants]'. You can read more about this shortcode here.


The difference between a program and a course is that a course has start dates, course variants, meetings and course locations assigned, while a program only has an edition name. They both have the properties: price and available places.

Enroll button

This page will show an enroll button on the right that will link to the Eduframe signup page for the template (without a pre-selected product variant).


On this page it is also possible to include a list of teachers. For this you can add the text {{teachers}} somewhere in a course tab in Eduframe. The plugin will automatically add a list of teachers that are assigned to that course. More about this here


In V1 of the plugin it was possible to show the credits of a course. This has been removed in V2 as it is not supported for programs.

Teacher page

We also have a default template for the teacher page. It is very simplistic and most likely requires you to create your own template and styling. It contains a list of all the names of course templates that this teacher is assigned to. Note that this list cannot include programs and thus will only show course template names.

Teacher page

Category page

The category page is similar to the teacher page, it contains the image, name and a list of product templates in card style that belong to it. These cards are clickable and will link to the corresponding product page.